I've heard on this forum that there are those who because of their elder husbands carelessness, looked at the congregation files. I could see this happening someday, if someones PIMO wife or teen, hacked into the database via his elder husband/father's access, sending every JW he knows, a link to JWfacts (for example) or worse, changing the data base to show anyone he chooses, as disfellowshipped.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Publisher ID - I Saw It In Person & It Was Terrifying!
by thedepressedsoul ini'd like to start off this post by saying, we all know that the wt loves control.
it's clear by their history, their wt's, the elder arrangement and so on.
however, after witnessing and using the publish id program in person, it takes this need for control to a whole new level & it was scary.. if you've ever seen builder assist (the website program used for ldc volunteers) or the metro program, it actually looks pretty similar to that.
Not official representatives?
by Lost in the fog injust copying this article from a us newspaper website.
it was the section of the article that said, ".
when a reporter asks about jehovah's witness beliefs, a church elder refers her to the website jw.org, explaining that the quinoneses and wellses aren't official church spokespersons.".
Pete Zahut
They weren't asked if they were the official spokesmen for the organization, they were asked what their beliefs are. As per usual, their beliefs are based on emotion (fear obligation guilt) rather than on facts and they are unable to explain why they are doing what they are doing.
It's nice for them that they can be so casual and cavalier these days. They seem to be promoting a way of life ("the best life ever") rather than out there with an "urgent life saving message" doing whatever it takes to get the word out, because peoples lives are at stake and their time is at hand.
They've basically become another mainstream fundamentalist religion and we'll always have trouble with the ways of the current JW's as long as we look at the organization through the eyes of those who learned the "Truth" in decades past.
Update/Change In OD Coming Soon
by mr_doubtful inthere will be an update/change in the od book coming soon.
i have it on good word that this change in the od book has already been pushed out & notified to the “higher ups”.
newwww light!.
Pete Zahut
This is good news indeed ! Once the O.D. book is updated, JW's actually WILL be the one true religion on earth !
Do You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Are A Threat To Any Government?
by minimus inrussia believes they are a threat.
the usa has put witnesses in jail in the past.
other countries look at jws as a nuisance.. do you think the witnesses are a threat to governments?
Pete Zahut
Do You Think Jehovah's Witnesses Are A Threat To Any Government?
Not really, and if God exists and has a government, Russia and other earthly governments, can't possibly be a threat to it (even though JW's accuse them of being such) .
California Fires-Contact from elders
by SouthCentral inthe fires have been hitting many areas of los angeles lately.
recently, i checked my home voicemail and noticed messages from several elders.
they were calling everyone on their “books” to ensure that they were ok.. i assume this is the protocol for a natural disaster.
Pete Zahut
You didn't say if these "elders" knew previously, but I'd say that it was a case of their files not being up to date and they were calling everyone from an old list.
There was a Youtube video going around of a former prominent elder who left the organization and several years later he was called by someone from another hall to come and give a substitute talk because his name was still on an old list. So he did an "apostate" version of a Sunday talk and got booted off the stage about half way through.
Did You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Were Typically “Racists”?
by minimus ini was a jw from infancy.
we had a melting pot type of congregation.
i grew up with all types of witnesses , all with different backgrounds.
Pete Zahut
Did You Think JW's Were Typically "Racist"?
No not typically but as in any cross section of the population, but there were those who had to unlearn or constantly keep their old non JW approved attitudes in check, no matter what race they were.
A person may be fascinated by fire, talk about it a lot etc. but he's not considered to be an Arsonist until he actually sets a building on fire. When it comes to racism, it used to be that you actually had to do something harmful to someone because of their race. These days it seems that all you have to do is disagree with someone of another race, use a wrong phrase or tone of voice and you could be thought of as being an all out racist.
Did you EVER falsify your report card ?
by Chook inevery single watchtower soldier lied to god out of fear of the brooklyn popes..
Pete Zahut
I would never lie about my own time sheet (that would be plain wrong) but as a kid I’d sometimes turn in time slips for other people ( loaded with lots of hours, return visits, books and bible studies) just to see what would happen. Sometimes I’d turn in a normal slip, with no name on it . It was such a power rush when they’d announce from the platform that the “Phantom Publisher has struck again”
P.S... I made that all up... I only wish I’d have thought of it LOL!
PIMO Elder with a Dilemma
by xjwsrock ini haven’t been on here in awhile and this is my second user name because i was busted by my pimi wife on the first one.
i have been basically awake since 2013. i have a super dub wife that i love and don’t want to lose and my sick mom in the hall that is a true believer.
stupid religion has gotten between my wife and i (of course).
Pete Zahut
I might tend to let things get really ugly so these guys expose what they’re really like and open your wife’s eyes.
Is there a way to drag this out without making yourself look like the problem?
Maybe discuss with her the reasonable tack you will take when you meet with them. Then when you get there let them have it with both barrels so they have no choice but to throw the book at you.
Don’t do or say anything apostate but flip this thing around so you are seen as the victim that you really are. Perhaps your wife will be incensed and take your side.
The jw builders choir omg
by Gorbatchov inseems like the genesis song jesus he knows me.. g.. https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/?applanguage=e#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-jwb_201910_12_video.
Pete Zahut
Umm... Tom Cruise called Leah Remini ....apparently Scientology wants their Chior back!
Geeze...they must’ve stayed up all night, thinking up those lyrics!
Jehovah's Witnesses Announce Plans to Build Giant Media Center
by iwantoutnow inomg!
this has to be more of "keeping the flock busy and excited" so as not to notice whats going on.. how did i miss this?????
the jehovah's witnesses announced plans to build a 1.5 million-square-foot audio-visual production center in upstate new york, two miles away from the witnesses' headquarters in warwick.
Pete Zahut
They’ve found themselves a money making side hustle. Supplying their 8 million built in customers with more propaganda videos with storylines that feature attractive, well dressed (scarf wearing) characters who live in professionally decorated homes in places where it’s always a sunny day (except when weak ones or worldly people become I involved in the story, then the lighting becomes dim, the colors dull and the actors suddenly aren’t quite as chipper or wholesome looking).
If each of the 8 million JWs buy one video for a $10 “donation”, they’ve made themselves 80 million dollars. Make a few of these videos each year and suddenly, Jehovah Of armies will lovingly tell them “no more messy printing, my people!!”